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Friday, September 21, 2012

BO2 Zombies: Bus driver is a Zombie or a Robot?

We are trying to figure out who's the bus driver on the zombies preview trailer.

Some people try to see who's the bus driver from this point of view:

Screen shot from the preview
So, as you can see, we can't really see who's the bus driver! It's so unclear!
Some people say that it's Dr. Richtofen because he has the same hat.
But other than that, we're clueless.

The last 10 seconds of the preview, while the zombies are trying to break in the bus by removing the barriers, the bus driver is clearly shown!

See this:

Zombie trying to break in
Bus driver driving

The bus driver from a better point of view
There is a difference between the zombie trying to break in the bus, and the bus driver. The zombie looks like a normal zombie seen in World at War and Black Ops, but the bus driver looks red, and doesn't sound like a zombie! We heard him saying "Welcome Aboard" at the begging of the trailer after he parks the bus, does that mean that he is a Robot-Zombie or just a regular zombie?

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